Transition (Year 6 to Year 7 (2024)

Goffs staff would like to welcome students to Goffs Academy as they begin a new and exciting chapter in their lives. We are looking foward to you joining the school shortly.

Transferring to secondary school is an important milestone in a student’s life and at Goffs we aim to make this transition as smooth as possible whilst establishing continuity from year 6-7, consistency of approach and challenge.

During June, students will receive a visit from Miss Avril (Director of Learning Year 7) & Miss McBride (SENCO). They will explain what it is like to be a Goffs student, the expectations and requirements. They will also collect information from your child’s primary school about your child’s progress and attainment.

In the summer term, students in Year 6 will also complete a transition project (a link to this is below), which is designed to bridge the gap between Year 6 and Year 7 and also gives us an opportunity to find out more about your child. We will select the ‘best’ pieces of work and reward students with house points and a lunch with the school Principal, Mr Ellis.

Year 6 to 7 Parent Information Evening - Thursday 04th July

You are invited to an information evening for parents of students preparing to join us in September in Year 7.  This will take place on Thursday 04th July.  The evening will start at 6.00pm with an opportunity to meet key members of staff, current students and our uniform supplier who will have samples of our uniform and PE kit.  

Transition Day - Thursday 11th July 

Transition day is an opportunity for your child to visit the school for the day and start to familiriase themselves with their form group and teachers. It will also prepare them for the "big day" in September

Start of Academic Year - Wednesday 4th September

Year 7 students begin the academic year by having half a day in school with no other students. This allows both the students and staff to meet and spend time together to support the transition process. Students are provided with a tour around the school, receive their timetables and are setup on the schools catering system. This also gives students the opportunity to start building relationships as we also complete some team building activities.

Yr 6 into Yr7 Parents Info evening 4th July

First day info 2024

Induction Day 2024 for students

Transition Project 2024